
Mangalore Guide.

(the Tina Nandi version)

1. Travel by train. Bus journey is shorter but also bumpier. When getting off the train, make sure you pack everything. (A minute of silence for my left-behind blue shawl from Mussoorie)

2. Stay with a Mangalorian family. Or any family long settled in Mangalore.

3. Visit Saint Aloysius Church and marvel at the incredible artwork covering the high walls and ceilings.

4. Hydrate hydrate hydrate. Wear sunglasses and bathe often to cool down.

5. Sit at common tables and eat lunch with the locals at Girimanjas on Car Street. Make sure to wash your hands before and after. Order all the different types of fish and go slow on the rice.

6. Go to the beach. Preferably in time to catch the sunset, but if you don't make it, the few peeps you get at the setting-sun on the way are magnificent too. The light lingers on and the weather is also much more bearable at this time.

7. Wade into the water and stand in awe of creation as the tides wash you over with peace and joy.

8. Have ice-cream before dinner at Pabbas on the way back from the beach.

9. Relax. Enjoy the silence.

10. Eat Goli Bajje, Banana Fritters and drink Chaii at Woodlands Drive-in restaurant. If you don't have a car, there's place to sit inside too.

11. If you're a photographer, be careful while changing lenses especially if you are constantly moving in and out of AC spaces. Condensation on sensor is not fun!

12. Crash a 25th Wedding Anniversary Celebration*. Those Mangalorians really know how to party ;)

*Just kidding. I didn't crash the party. I was photographing it with George Seemon!

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